Monday, December 10, 2007

Dinner for One

I went to dinner alone tonight, and it was fabulous.

I spent all day with my friend, got a new sweatshirt at one of my fav. Canadian stores, and then we picked up her boyfriend/my friend from work and made our way back to the house. Just as we were approaching the grocery store they started a couple fight and being the third wheel was about to be uncomfortable. I excused myself, went back to the house to check my email (no word yet on that job), change into my new hoodie, grab some money and my new book.

From there, I left the house to go have dinner by myself. One of my roommates was all "By yourself though? I mean, don't go by yourself. If you need company, I could always go." But I stood by ground, and it is for this reason:

Going to a meal, with just myself and a book, is one of my favorite things to do. I went, I had dinner, I read my book, and I felt rejuvenated. I had dinner by myself and I was able to come home and socialize with my 3 favorite guys/roommates for two hours.

Me, a good book, a good meal. Another "life lesson" relearned in Toronto.

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