Tuesday, November 27, 2007

T minus one day and counting...

Have you ever realized how many Christmas songs are also Couple/I Love You songs? A lot. Damn you Christmas songs for being so wonderful and holiday-ie and whatnot, along with being all couple-y! damn you.

Ok, well, with that out of the way.
Just an update: T minus 24 hours now. My bus leaves for Toronto Thursday morning.
The beginning of the week was not the best, just a rough day and feeling down. But things have turned up, I've gotten some much needed things accomplished (including getting my driver's license renewed, such a relief to have THAT over). And now the only things left to do are wrap birthday presents, a doctor's appointment, a lunch date, and packing. All which are planned for tomorrow.
And then, ready or no,I am once again off to the North Country. It feels like the right thing. It's been great being home, and living with the parental units has been enjoyable. But it's not time to move back here yet, at least not before trying to make it out there on my own in a town I've always loved, with friends at my side. Wish me luck, and keep checking back as I will update on the adventure here. Now that all the slow transitional stuff is almost over.

Side note on the driver's license process: Next time I have to get it renewed will be 2012, and I will be 30. When I got my old license I was 21. I never would have imagined where I would have been at 25 - a lot can happen in 4 years, and I have no idea what my life will be like the next time I visit the DMV.

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