Friday, November 23, 2007

All at once

Ok, so I need to blog. It's been days now, and I've been putting it off. I know, I know, it's NoBloPo. On top of that, I was going to blog everyday to chronicle this big transition in my life.

Here's the update on transition: it's slow.

It's a slow, stressful,boring process. I've spent the last week feeling like I'm running around with my head cut off, doing lots and lots of things while feeling like I'm not actually getting anything done.

I've been filling out grad school applications (oh, I hate grad school already), writing personal essays (oh, I hate writing essays again already), sending out requests for letters of recommendations, sending out requests for college transcriptions, looking into FASA (I love and hate you just like I did the last time
around), catching up with some people at home, catching up a lot with family, listening to a lot of music on my ipod, trying to feel as organized as one can before moving to another state/province, and doing yoga at least once a day.

That's been my week. I had an awesome Thanksgiving with my family. At family
gatherings I always feel kinda displaced and a over all feeling of
unnaturalness at the beginning . But by the end, we've all fallen into
our places and it becomes rather enjoyable. Thanksgiving was as it
should be: I was so thankful for the gifts of my life, and I ate a lot
of really yummy food.

One last thing to be documented: I bought my bus ticket to Toronto last night. Only 50 bucks if you're traveling on a weekday and buy it 7 days in advance; how awesome is that? Rhetorical question, because it's pretty awesome. But there it is, official, I am packing my bags and headed North once again.

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