Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another Last

I don't want to get on a My Last Fill-in-the-Blank, but this blog every day of the month is a good chronicle of my last days here. So - this was the last Tuesday.

I'm gonna skip my whole work day and go straight into what made it a "Last" Tuesday: dinner. The girls who live in the dorm, where I worked the past two years, and I went out to dinner. It was very touching; we all got dinner, they got me a ice craem sunday, and they had made me a present. A picture frame with all of us, with "We'll miss you so much" written on the matte of the frame. So cute! Along with all their signitures and well wishes.

Had we just gone to dinner, that could have been understandable - another excuse to get off campus. But you should see this picture frame, it's so cute. For teenagers to put that kind of thought into something, I really do appreciate it.

You would think I would cry. I would I would cry. But I didn't. Not really sure why, I think mostly it just hasn't hit me yet. It isn't good-bye, there are still 4 more days of work. Still, this dinner & picture frame - made it that much more real. The last dinner with the girls. The last Tuesday.

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