Friday, May 2, 2008

Another Friday Night Title

Tonight I did one of the most fearful things a single person can do on a summer Friday night; I went to the movies alone. Going to the movies alone can be weird enough, but going on a Friday night when the weather is warm and big budget super-hero movie is coming out, well, it's down right intimidating.
I didn't think much of it, well ok, that's a lie. I knew it might be scary, but I didn't realize how much so until I pulled into the parking lot and saw all the cars. Rows and rows of cars.
Then, it was the crowd. The first wave being all the teenagers play-fighting/flirting outside the theatre while they wait for their parent's to pick them up. The second wave being all the teenagers on their phones and college students holding hands in a line waiting for Iron Man and popcorn. I survived the waves of studded wrist bands and pants with unused belts. I kept mum, paid for my ticket to the movie rom-com I was hoping Iron Man would be a good diversion from, found the theatre and headed to the back row. The theatre was a little more crowded than I expected or would have liked, but I would not let the masses win.
I sat in the back row, my feet up on the chair in front of me, and while I admit I hesitated for a moment, I regained my composure and took out my knitting as the previews started ( I do admit to timing it so I got into the theatre exactly 3 minutes before the film stated).
Had a great time by the way, I thought Forgetting Sarah Marshall was pretty good. It confirmed that everything Judd Apatow touches is hilarious, even if he's just producing. I wanted to see Iron Man or Baby Mama too, but I this was the movie I wasn't sure anyone else would go see with me, and it came out last weekend, so I was banking on a lesser crowd.
Only draw back was this: I realized while the previews were running why the sound is loud at the movies - it's to drown out the kids talking. As I had this thought, the next one was "When did this happen? When did I become an adult who wants to shhhhh kids." Ok, I'm not really going to shhhh anyone, I just secretly hope someone else will.
So, I am an shhhh-wishing adult who goes to movies and sits in the back and knits. And it's fun, and while it's not fighting on the front-lines of anything, I'm pretty proud of myself.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm interested in seeing Forgetting Sarah Marshall, too. It felt like a toss-up when I was reading the press about it, but one half of that toss-up was the potential for it to be really really good. Of course, how often I get out to the movies is like once a year so... who knows when I'll see it. I think I'll make it a point to, though.