Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Obviously, I haven't posted - or run - in awhile. Things felt a little crazy with the new job and all. Getting used to that new schedule, I put running on the back-burner for awhile. Probably not the wisest choice; as running could probably help with the stress and my both mental and physical health. But you know, it always seems like the easiest, if not the best, thing to cut when I get busy.

I have adjusted to the new schedule, but I've keep falling into these little ruts of pity and whining. Probably another side effect of being tired/new schedule/stress - but I just haven't felt like I could get my emotional bearings lately. (Running would probably help with that too, but alas...)

But I did go on Sunday. It had been two Sunday's in a row I hadn't gone, and I almost always, always go on Sunday nights. Even if I come up with some lame excuse the rest of the week, I almost always go on Sundays. And I knew if I didn't go again and it became three weeks in a row I hadn't gone, I'd be in real trouble.

So, Sunday May 25
2.4 miles

It was the first mildly warm weather (which has since come and gone - welcome to Chicago where it's shorts on Memorial Day and fleece the next) of the season, and my run reflected that. I also noticed that with the warm weather, if I continue to run, I really need to invest in some kinda ofwhistle or pepper spray or something. There's just more people out in general, and they are out later. And all the leaves are back on the trees so it's just less bare, whichnormally I like, but on a run it just makes it harder to see what is, or is not lurking about. None-the-less, I day dream about running more and starting to do yoga again. Wither or not I'll actually make the time to do, or enjoy those things, has yet to be seen.

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