Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Hulk & Worldview

Edward Norton as The Hulk? This June? How did I miss this? How did I not know this is happening? It's going to be so awesome! Not only does it have Edward Norton - Edward Norton as The Incrediable Hulk! - but also Tim Roth, Robert Downey Jr, and Liv Tyler. I am so in. I can't believe I had no idea this movie was coming out, but I am very excited about it now that I am.

Tonight on the commute home I wasn't really in the mood for Bella's whinning about how horrible her world would be without Jacob Black to distract her from the huge hole in her heart and all the horrible feelings in the big black world, so I forgoed New Moon. But on NPR was the show "Worldview" which I never really listen to. I love NPR more than the average person it seems, but I can't seem to get into "Worldview". Even I find it a bit boring. But I wasn't in the mood to let my mind wander, so I wasn't gonna listen to music either. So, "Worldview" it is then. And I have to say, after a couple minutes of listening, I thought it was totally interesting. It was about capitalism, this women's book called "The Shock Docterine", and economic theories about how real change only happens in crisis. Sounds boring, I know, but really, I thought it was so interesting that I'm putting a link here.

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