Friday, March 28, 2008

Dangerous Ground

This could be dangerous to blog about, but the thought occured to me more than once today, so I'm just going to write it down: Having a crush just makes life more fun. Seriously. It adds just a little touch of fun to one's day.
Like I said, it could get dangerious if I go further. At this point the crush is inconsequential and if I even showed up on this persons' radar I'd be shocked. But you never know, somehow they stumbles across this blog and then I'm in a whole heap of trouble.
If I get in any kinda trouble with a crush, I'd like it to be because of personal interaction, not through my blog. When/if I make a move, I'd like to do it in person so I'm at least aware of it and there to see the fallout. If I blog about it and somehow, some way it's found out, I may never know, and I'd feel that much sillier in the end. And since stranger things have happened, I'll stop it at this: Crushes are fun.

I NEED to start running again. NEED to. I bought some cheap new running pants tonight - something for spring, something inbetween full winter running pants and shorts. Hopefully this will be enough motivation for tomorrow morning, but over all I'm seriously faltering here. Joel, any tips on motivation? I might go back and read the email you sent me while I was in Toronto.

I feel like there are other things I could blog about, but I'm also feeling like my opening statements in this entry are ringing true for other topics: they could be dangerous, and I hesitate on the side of writing more. It's such a strange line, because I don't want my blog to be just about movies, npr, and running. I mean, I love all those things, but there's sooooooo much more to me. I have so much more to say. But whom to am I saying it to?
or maybe it's, who should I be saying it to?


Joel Gaff, Jr. said... on motivation? Right now for me the fact that I can see the sun again is motivation enough for me:) New running gear is definitely a motivator for me, too.
I'm impressed by your running. Seriously.

ramblingirlalex said...

thanks joel! Your encouragement is motivating me as we speak!