Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar Commentary

The Oscars just ended. All in all, I enjoyed it. I thought Jon Stewart did a great job; he does a good job of going with the moment, like having Marketa Irglova from Once come back and give her speech. Which was one of the best of the night, and she and Glen Hansard both looked fab. How fantastic is it that he still uses the same beat up guitar he’s always used, even at the Oscars. Anyways, the unscripted things, along with most of the scripted jokes from Stewart were entertaining. As usual there were too many montages, but at least Stewart made fun of that.
Speaking of looking good and scripted jokes: James MvAvoy was so yummy and fun. Him and Josh Brolin were a highlight for sure.
Also yummy was Javier Bardem, plus you gotta love a guy who thanks his mom so ernestly.
Of all the ladies I thought Helen Miren’s dress was fab, and it seemed red was the color of the evening (a al Anne Hathaway, Katherine Heigl). Wonder if it had anything to do with Diet Cokes Red Dress/Heart Disease Campaign commercials, which played endlessly (and you can’t tell me Diet Coke is good for the heart disease). And for those of us who watch the whole thing, those commercials that are all the same every break gets real old real fast
Oh, and Kate Blancett looked fabu as well.
A joke I was looking for but didn’t come was Jessica Alba hosting the techi awards. Something about how that’s as close as geeks are ever gonna get to Jessica Alba, but it didn’t happen. Here’s my other riff on that though- why is Jessica Alba giving out an award? Is she the only one they could find that far down on the A-list that would do it? Has she ever been in a movie that would even screen for the Oscars? Or for that matter The Rock? Oh, I’m sorry, I mean Wayne Johnson. Or Miley Cyrus (Look, it’s another red dress!)? I suppose I could argue the same thing about Steve Carrell or Seth Rogen & Jonah Hill , but I think they are all pretty funny, and yummy in their funny ways (Seth was my FAVORITE on Freaks and Geeks), so I’ll forgive them. Biased and sexist probably, but oh well, is it really worth arguing with me about it? I didn’t think so.
It figures the one movie that I didn’t see yet in the Best Picture category wins. I’d like to see it, but finding someone to go with or just going myself hasn’t happened yet. Plus, all I really knew about it before Oscar season was that it was about some pretty bad bad men. Pumping myself up to see a film about evil that you know can’t end well is always hard.
Still, I don’t doubt that it is excellent, and the one person I knew who saw it agreed with that sentiment, so I’m not upset about it’s winning. I was rooting for There Will Be Blood, and if Juno had won I would have been fine. Michael Clayton was a fine film, but I was underwhelmed with it. And I down right just didn’t like Atonement, so I’m down right glad it didn’t win.
Over all though I was happy with the variety and realism of the nominees this year, and the entertainment of the award ceremony itself. Oh, and I’m SO happy “Falling Slowly” won best song, I was cheering for it all along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that once you see No Country for Old Men, any doubts you may have had will be erased.