Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm listening to JT, and not to you, sorry....

Here's the thing about headphones - I feel like they are the universal sign of "Leave Me Alone Please." I mean, if I have headphones in, that means that I'm listening to something, and not to you. But aparently people at the local coffee shop I'm at don't know this simple form of urban ettiquette, because in the last hour two people have struck up long conversations.
Sometimes I think I just must have some kinda of really welcoming aura, because people will talk to me all the time. Not that I totally mind, but it's the socially awkward ones that are expecially hard. The coffee barista whose started talking to me by asking me if I was doing homework, then about trying to find jobs and how I should apply here, etc. That's fine. Seems harmless enough and I appreciate the encouragement to apply (and I would, but you have to apply online and this national coffee chain must hate Macs because you have to have Explorer or Netscape to apply. Drat!). But, the guy who came in here and just hung out talking to the barista's - well there's my first sign of social oddity. Then on his way out (I'm sitting by the door) he starts talking to me by saying "So, you like Macs?" and then the conversations going no where so he says "I see you like rings" because, well, because I wear three rings on my hands. I mean, I don't know what to say to this. Adding to this train-wreck is that I have my headphones in, so I have to keep asking "What?" It's awkward city over here, population 2.
Only about 4 more minutes till I'm done downloading the last of the only season of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Then, I'm outta here.
No running today either, but I did my fair share of walking around downtown and around the Art Institute. By the by - general admissions is free for the month of February, so get your ass down there and enjoy!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

More proof that (many) people don't talk to be heard. They talk to feel important about themselves. It's the people who really listen who suffer, because we feel obligated to react which is exactly what those people want...