Saturday, April 28, 2007

back on the wagon

I just got back from my first run in a week (for the most part, I did run once last week, but it was the worst ever). I went three miles, and it felt really good. My legs hurt for about the first mile, but my mind got caught up in other things on the run and I just kept going. This is how it is with exercise - I finally actually do it, and then think "wow, that was great, I need to do that more often". So, for the next week, I will hopefully have more blogs about how I went running. And I'm hoping to get back up to 5 miles too, I wanted to do five today, but I hadn't gone in a week and I didn't want to overdo it and have a horrible run. Better to ease back into it and have a good run, then go too far and not want to do it again.

oh, and post script - my ipod frove AGAIN (angry caps there by the way) at the very end of the run, so luckily i proably went 50 feet with no music, but I gotta get this figured out because I won't run if I don't have music.

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