Wednesday, April 25, 2007

These past two weeks I've had serious motivation/running issues. Last week I did go three times, but it didn't feel like very much. And this week, ugh, it's Wednesday and I've gone once. It was yesterday, and I went to do 5 miles, sucked at the beginning and just when I was getting into it, my ipod froze. Now, I know I shouldn't just blame my ipod, but my focus and drive to do the run, just went down hill from there. I wasn't feeling well, and I was trying to shake it off with the run, but when my ipod froze, I just succumbed to it and walked the rest of the way. So Tuesday: ran 2.5, walked 2.5. I'm trying to throw myself a positive by saying at least I was outside for 5 miles.
Today was disastrous too. I substitute taught all day, and pumped myself up to go in an "off" period in the middle of the day. But of course, the best laid plans are always the ones foiled, and a meeting came up that I had to go to. Should have gone after school, but didn't. Brought my running stuff to town with me hoping I'd do it there, didn't. And tried to pump myself up to go for the last moments of twilight as I got back to school, but instead started writing this blog about not running, instead of running.

On other fronts of myself - I've helped edit three over 10 page papers (2 of them actually 20+) in the past 24 hours. One was for a friend/co-worker and the other two were for seniors who have their thesis' due at the end of the week. I have to say - I feel much smarter than I did yesterday. All three writers knew what they were talking about and I after reading their papers I felt more educated on the subjects they wrote about (self-injury in adolescents, ethics of international adoption, and the benefits of recycling). Plus, it feels good to be involved with the students academically.
I'm still feeling a little off though, I dunno if it's just physical, or just emotional, or both. Not sure where to go or end from that sentence, so am just going to overall stop.

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