Sunday, April 13, 2008


Sunday April 12, 2008
2.4 miles

- more of a shuffle than a run, but a perfect moon-lite night.

Today is the begining of National Library Week, and to celebrate we had a big 'ol party at the library; complete with ballons, cookies, music, raffle prizes, and face painting.

Face painting you said? Yep, that was my department. And I have to say, I can do a damn fine butterfly or rocket-ship. I let Susan handle the skull-and-cross bones and dinosaurs, she was good at those. Anyways, I have these photos I took and I'm not sure where else to put them but I wanted to post them somewhere cuz I just think they are too much fun not to. So, here it is:

a "tattoo" i gave myself. Come on, admit, it's awesome.

Susan gave me a Monster on my hand, and I thought it was spectacular

It may be a litle lame to admit this, but I am really pretty proud of my bulletin board. April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and Poetry Month - the musical notes have poems by Maya Angelou and William Shakespeare, both born in April. As well as musical notes for Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday, also both born in April.

buttons on the latest hat I made

my latest hat. A little random to add here, but I think you'll admit that all the pics here are pretty random.


sukey said...

but they are things that YOU they are all alike in that way. i love the b-board, and the star button hat!! wish i could knit like that!

sukey said...

if you want to make me a hat, i'd love yellow buttons...i'm in love with yellow right now :)