Thursday, October 9, 2008

Well that was almost a disaster

Just did a knitting program at the library where I used to work. And seriously, it was about "this" close to being a disaster. I did not, simply did not expect 20 people who were beginning knitters. We had capped the program at 20, and it filled up by last week. Someone at the library counted 27 a one point who attended. We'd left it very informal so that beginners and people who knew how to knit already could both come and just sit and chat and knit. But of course, almost everyone was new. I think, about 4 people already knew. Thank god my mom's friend also came to help us instruct. It was little by the seat of our pants, but I think we did a pretty good job and that people walked away with knowledge of how to knit. So, objective met.

It seems apparent from the demand for the program that there is a serious need asking to be met by knitters. Everyone left asking if we were going to be there next week (the answer is no - I had to take off work just to do this once). I'm sure part of it is because there's a lot of great things about knitting (i.e, making something by hand, a zen and calm that comes once you've gotten it down), but there's also this component of just getting together with other people in your community to sit and chat and knit. The make up for the women (and no, it doesn't escape my attention that it was all women, that no men had signed up) who came was also interesting - a make up maybe of 70% African American, 30% white, all ages, (next time, no one under the age of 18, they need a class all for themselves), and a transvestite. This is why I moved back to the city - for this community. I can knit anywhere, and I do, but who you knit with can make a world of difference. The compassion, patience, interest and diversity of the community is what made the program not a disaster, but a success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes - it was great fun.