Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh the irony...

I have to write another 750 word Issue Response on either Digitization or Library As Place. At first glance, I could have told you Library As Place would be a better topic for me. Because the class we spent on digitization - couldn't even tell you what happened for those three hours, other than I left feeling really frustrated, because I was completely uninterested. Sure, I should be interested, seeing as it's probably the future of library science and all, and my professor kept saying " I swear it, in the next five years there will be a copyright lawsuit going to supreme court on this." Although again, I could not explain to you what she was talking about, because I just didn't get it. In one ear out the other.
So, the obvious choice is Library as Place. Except that there's this book that I should have gotten forever ago but didn't, and the Library as Place has a chapter in that book that supposed to be the main focus of the Issue Response. So I can't do Library As Place. Digitization, not surprisingly has all the resources available on-line. And, you know, since this is due on Monday, all the copies of the book that's needed are checked out of any library in a 20 miles radius. Plus, you know, it's 7:30 on a Saturday night, and like I said, this is due on Monday.
After reading half of the article on Digitization and going "Oh my god, I have no idea what I just read," and seriously doubting my bullshit capabilities for a 750 word article (I mean, I was an English major, so I'm good, but not that good) I decided to just wing it and type in the book I need to google and see what happened.

Low and behold, kid you not, the book is on Can't print it or copy it, but the whole book, chapter needed and all, right there for the reading. So, the book I need for Library As Place, available to me due to digitization - which I can't seem to understand or care about to save my life - but it's irony is not lost on me.

Now, to get my self excited about Library As Place, and start all over again, so very late in a deserted university library basement on a Saturday night....

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