Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Things I Would Blog About, But Haven't...

*My serious lack of running
- feeling motivated again last night talking about the half marathon, but I still haven't gone. How badly do I really want it?

*this book. I haven't read it or anything, but it's out there: A t.v. character authors a spin off book - like a Hannah Montana book for adults.

*a summer in the city
- acute recollections of wilderness

*it's been a year. Not sure of the exact date, but sometime in June it had been a year since Scott and I broke up. Not really sure what else to say, but did want to throw the acknowledgment out there.

*Speaking of the rapid passage of time - grad school is approaching.

*Listening to Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows - because summertime reading just isn't the same without Harry Potter, and because Jim Dale is a genius. Honest to god one of the best readers out there.

Mostly I've been way over booked and it's dawning on me that I'm only going to become more so, which kinda scares the shit out of me. But at the same time, what choice is there? And I've always operated under this idea that "you gotta do what you gotta do" (feeling obligated, for better or worse & to whomever/whatever, is a big motivator for me) and that's what I'm doing. But I was able to squeeze in a surprise birthday dinner for a friend, and there's a upcoming wedding in Nashville with old friends that has real potential for damn good times; these things remind me that doing what needs to be done is worth it for the moments in between.

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