Monday, July 28, 2008

A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

Well after finally having run my first 5k, I got ill. Had a fever, a head full of snot, and a cough that could have gotten really bad, but with a lot of water and sitting on the couch, I've bounced back. I wouldn't say I feel fully healthy - I'm still stuffy and have odd moments of being more tired than I should. But the worst part - the fever and the feeling ache-y - are over.

So I've been keeping a low profile on running wagon. I went for a 2.5-3 miles walk with my mom yesterday. And today we both went for a shuffle-run-walk along the river. I have no idea how long it was but if I had to gander it was probably 1.5 or something. Tomorrow I have to work all day, and hopefully by Wednesday, and the latest Thursday (my scheduling is weird this week and I don't think I'll be able to run Wed, but will on Thurs) I will be feeling tip-top and back to running.

In other news...I got nothing. I've been feeling a little...of a lot of things. A little lost, a little funky, a little edgy. And a little indescribable. Just can't quite put my finger on what's going on right now. Doesn't really make for the best writing/blogging.

Oh, but I did see The Dark Knight. Just went by myself in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday. Like the rest of the nation, I'm in love with it. A little long, and not a perfect movie, but, love is blind and I love it despite the flaws.

Also, just to reference the title of this blog: It's a phrase that kept going through my mind while I actually had a fever. But also, it was the title of Panic!At the Disco's last album. I don't really know much about that album. But their new album, Pretty.Odd. I'm kinda in love with that too. Again, not something I can pin down. It just seems to fit my mood a lot, or it's really good driving music, something. I don't know I'd recommend it to people, but for some reason I'm in love with it lately.

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