Thursday, August 16, 2007


Chicago - I love you. I've left you to see other parts of the world, but I always return. It is you I love first. I am considering making you my home. I make no promises. I can't. I'm not in a place to make promises. But never doubt my love.

It's Lake Shore Drive. It's lightening above a sky-scrapper. It's the radio stations. It's Lake Michigan. It's Buckingham Fountain. It's the two story Dominicks on the corner. It's the news reporter and the camera guy crossing the street. It's the rain.

All you have to do is drive down Lake Shore Drive late at night, turn up the radio, and take in the mememory you are creating. It's catalogued into the millions of other times you've done this. Never-the-less, this time, as with every other, it feels special. It's beauty.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I feel the same....