Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I had nightmares last night. I haven't had nightmares in awhile. I usually have nightmares when I watch scary tv shows or movies, the last time I remember having nightmares was Halloween when I watched "Shawn of the Dead." Yes, I know it's a comedy, but that's how fearful I am of Zombies. Zombies, Ghosts, things that go bump in the dark - just about anything that can jump out at you in the night, I'm afraid of it. And the visuals of these things gets into my psyche and I have nightmares at nights when I watch them. So in general, I avoid scary stuff.
Which is why it's weird that I had nightmares last night, because I haven't watched anything scary in some time. But I haven't been sleeping well at all over the past week. I've been sleeping horribly all night till the sun comes up, I can clear my mind, and then I sleep fine for a couple hours. Last night, I think there were ghosts in my dreams, but mostly the nightmare was permeated with a sense of dread and fear. Not so fun.
I was especially looking forward to a good-nights sleep, because I'd worn myself out yesterday afternoon. Around 8 at night I decided it was time for bike ride. I thought I could make it around the local lake, but didn't realize that I was biting off more than I could chew, or rather, bike. Still, in total, I biked 11 miles last night.
And this afternoon, after I leave work, I'm hoping to go for a run. 3 miles, but enough to get the blood flowing.
Side note: I've started "Swingers", another possibly sad movie that has me in stitches. Because it, like "High Fidelity" is, just so, good. Or money I should say. It's shot so well, and the general "mise-en-scene" (spelling on that?) is right on. It's based in truth, and the dialogue, and the music, and actors, all combine to make it another fantastic, time-less film.
oh yes, and before I forget: update on my surgery: It's been hurting a bit more lately. Just tingly and frustrating in the muscle connecting my neck and shoulder. Also, i feel like it still looks huge, the bump, but everyone assures me that it will be weeks before the swelling goes down.

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