Monday, June 11, 2007

update on running:
I haven't run in weeks. And I'm ok with that. I've started riding my bike into town a lot, not that it's very far, but that's been my main physical activity. Not much, I know. But like I said. I'm ok with that. It's summer. Your more physical just from the change in the season.
update on the love hump:
surgeon said it's a fatty tissue build-up (there's some medical term, but I can hardly spell non-medical words, let alone some long surgical thing) and he scheduled a in-&-out surgery to get it out. It's for next week; a week from yesterday. I call into the surgery center the day before, they tell me when to come in the next day. It's only gonna take about a 1/2 hour the surgeon said, but I do have to be "put under" - but thank god really, cuz your not coming at me with any needles or knives without my being unconscious for it. I'll have about a 4 - 5 inch scar horizontal across my neck/back, and it'll be prominent probably for about two weeks and then will fade over the course of a year. I can't take any ibuprofen, tylenol, etc for the next week (- it thins your blood-) and the night before the surgery no eating or drinking after midnight. So, for now, as far as updates go, no blood-thinners and waiting around till next week when I go under.

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