Thursday, September 4, 2008

A True Librarian

Patron: Did you see the Palin speech last night?
Me: Ahh, no. But I listened to some of it. I thought she did a good job.
Patron: But you didn't see it?
Me: No, I don't own a television.
Patron: Wow, you don't a television?!
Me: Ahh, well...No, not in my new place.
Patron: You are like, a true librarian.

This interaction is hilarious to me on many levels. And rings true because of that. I am officially taking classes in (and becoming increasingly paniced by) Graduate school for Library and Informational Sciences.

In the past week my life has had a lot of changes, some that I don't even think I have really been conscience of, or was simply too overwhelmed to even deal with. In the past weekend alone I drove through three states for a wedding of a close friend, with a close friend, drove back, and then moved into a new apartment.

Plus, you know, that pesky grad school thing. Which I am currently avoiding the reading/homework of as I type. I should go back to that. Needless to say, not really sure when I'll blog, but little things in life like interactions with patrons that humor me - I'll still try to through those up here.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ahh, don't panic about library school. It really isn't that bad... just lots of reading, like most schooling is.