Saturday, August 23, 2008

Youth on a Friday

Friday August 28
1.906 miles

Here are some thoughts while I was running in the early evening Friday night.

"Wow, there are a lot of teenagers out tonight. Oh right, it's the last weekend before school starts."
-in fact, it was the first weekend after school started. So they were all out in that creating-the-new-social-scene-for-the-year way. Basically, they were out in hoards.

"Not totally sure what the deal is here, but it's kinda classic none the less. Obviously teen boys terrorized teen girl in some way, now boys being chased by teen girl back to crowd of teens farther up the street..... I hope they don't interact with me...."

"Another gaggle of teens off in the distance, meandering up the street. No way to really avoid them, just pray for little-to-none interaction as I always do with anyone I ever see while running. Four boys, one girl. Girl is giving me a bit of the evil eye, but please, are you kidding me? And oh, my god, they totally reek of pot. And now why they suddenly appeared from across that vacant parking lot makes a lot more sense. Ah, youth....."

I still didn't go terribly far, of push myself all that hard, but still, I feel like I was feeling a little better after the run. Takes a couple days to set in, and I make no promises to myself (I just break them) but I may be getting back feeling the whole running scene. We'll see.

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