Friday, August 8, 2008

Bloody Teeth & Taffeta Gowns

I am so transparent.

I'm sitting here on my bed still in my pajama's after having this dream:

Three of my best friends and I - Katie, Katy, & Liz, are all dressed up, ball-gown dressed up. I think we're at the Opera, some kind of multi-leveled fancy theatre, trying to find our seats and I can't remember if we're there with guys we know or we just keep running into guys we know in the hallway. (When I say this the pertinent background is that all four of us went to high school together, so if all four of us know you, it's most likely that you went to our high school). So we're in gowns, at this event, and my teeth start falling out. Really, it's one tooth, but it's huge, the whole thing comes out - root and all. And it's just laying there in my hand - I'm having to carry it around, all bloody. And there's this big gapping hole in the side of my mouth, in the bottom row of my side teeth. Katie is trying to help me find someone so we can call in like, a dental emergency, and contact my family. I'm really worried because I know there's other tooth in my mouth, a bottom center one, that feels loose too. Right before my mom comes, it falls out too. So I'm in this gown, with my friends who are trying to find our seats and we're seeing all these people and I'm seeing them with my teeth missing and my friends are asking "Do you know where we can find a dentist for Al?" Somehow my mom shows up and we're in the basement/living room of my house, still in gowns from the event though, with my teeth in my hand, and she's kinda lecturing me about taking care of my teeth while also trying to sympathize with me cuz she's had a lot of dental problems. I know at least that Katie is also in the room, but then I wake up.

In about 3 hours I'll actually be trying on gowns; bridesmaid dresses to be more specific, with Katie, Katy, and Liz.

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