Friday, September 26, 2008

Just when you're thinking things are looking up...

...this happens:

Walking off the El, two blocks to my apartment. Perfect song comes on the shuffle of my ipod, which never happens. Up the block there is a man who crumbles some trash in his hand and -somewhat aggressively- throws it into the street, although it doesn't get very far. Then he seems to be fumbling with the string on his shorts, but just keeps walking ahead.
Hmmm, ok.Just keep walking, enjoying the song, trying to be uplifted by the sunshine.
Guy walks past me.
I keep walking.
Get to the point where the trash he threw in the street.
Yep, it's a condom.

So that's how condoms get in the middle of the street. Could have gone my whole mylife not knowing that and been fine.

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