Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Spot on

A little late to be posting this, but:

Monday, July 13
2.19 miles

I run so slowly when I run during the day, but it's also so damn hot out that I sweat a ton, even at a slower pass.

Other things I think about blogging about:

So excited for The Dark Knight to come out this week. Thought the cover article for Entertainment weekly was spot on about it's perception and how it will be received. And just a good article in general.

I heard someone at work today refer to The Rolling Stone magazine as "the USWeekly of Rock & Roll". I feel this is an accurate statement. I stopped reading it so long ago I can't be honest and say that I have a fair take on the content, but I did stop reading it for a reason - because it was bad. Current Cover Article (which sparked the USWeekly comment) is "The Jesus of Uncool - Coldplay." Seriously? Seriously. That's the headline? That Coldplay is the savior of uncool? That's....ridiculous. If any band is the savior of uncool, it's....well, the first band that comes to mind is Weezer, but really, you could argue just about anyone OTHER than Coldplay. And I say this as someone who is entirely addicted to the new album, Viva La Vida. Uncool is not Coldplay. They are, and have been for, ummm some time now Rollingstone, the kings of popularity, the kings of cool.

This, is also spot on.

There are lots of other non-pop-culture or running things going on in my world, and the world at large, but it's getting late, and I have to get up at the crack of dawn to take my car into the shop and then go for another run.

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